This PRD adds two new opt-out settings, working as the proximityPrecision
one, allowing the user to activate or deactivate some features in order to save indexing time.
This setting activates or deactivates the facet search feature on all the filter of an index:
: deactivate the facet search completely; if a user tries a facet search an invalid_facet_search_disabled
error will be returnedtrue
[Default]: Activate facet search/indexes/{index_uid}/settings
"facetSearch": false
DELETE /indexes/{index_uid}/settings/facet-search
This setting activates or deactivates the ability to search a word by prefix on an index:
: deactivate the prefix search completelyDuring a search, the word hello will not be retrieved anymore with the query he, the prefixes will not be processed during the indexing, saving time.
[Default]: Activate the processing of the prefixes/indexes/{index_uid}/settings